Why Figs
Figs aren't like your typical fruit - because they're not fruits at all. Figs are inverted flowers and come with amazing health properties like prebiotics, antioxidants and vitamins. Combine that with its ease of brewing and ability to mix with traditional coffee for a healthier cup, and you have what we like to call Coffee's Mellow Mate.
Who are we?
We're Andy and Marianne, a coffee-addict and a tea lover and the co-founders of FigBrew. So how did we end up on Figs? Well while Andy loves coffee, but it doesn't love him back, and Marianne often found herself left out of the coffee culture. So Andy did what any trained scientist would do, he went to the history books. Searching for alternative health products was not intuitive, but he knew there was better out there.
Enter figs, after reading an article about how the British used to add roasted fig to coffee during WWII to extend it, Andy was hooked. Immediately he began experimenting to find the perfect fig and roasting and grind profiles. Eventually he found the perfect formula and to his surprise not only did the fig extend the coffee it also managed to eliminate the adverse effects. Best yet when brewed on it own it maintained a mild nutty, slightly sweet flavor that Marianne could enjoy to.