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Add to your favorite coffee in any ratio before brewing. Compatible with any brewing technique. Can be used as a complete coffee replacement by itself. Not an instant.
Use one part FigBrew coffee supplement to one part coffee. Adjust as desired.
There doesn't exist a coffee brewing technique that's not compatible with FigBrew - with arguably better results.
Figs are remarkable superfruits. Every adverse health effect that coffee has, fig works directly to counter. Naturally caffeine-free, alkaline, blood pressure lowering, and immunity boosting, figs keep you in the coffee culture but without the caffeine.
*Require different grinds or other modifications. For example, Turkish coffee requires Figgee to be ground extremely fine. We always recommend paper filters instead of steel mesh and some brewing methods require paper filters. Espresso may require a paper filter in the portafilter (click here for fig espresso video instructions). Moka pot may require a paper filter below the top riser. Percolator requires a paper filter over the top strainer. As fig is ground, it generates fig dust and this dust tends to get blocked when forced through metal holes. A paper filter captures the fig dust before it can block anything.