Commitment to Quality
Our roasting process celebrates the fig from tree to brew. Like a good coffee or wine, there are four categories to tasting.

Our Farms
Our figs are sourced from the Mediterranean where figs have been grown sustainably for thousands of years by workers who earn an honest wage. FigBrew is committed to providing healthy alternatives to coffee
and partnering only with those farms that give back to the community and world.
Figs use 1/8th of the water footprint and 1/13th of the carbon footprint of coffee. Industry forecasts are that the coffee culture as we know it today will cease to exist by 2050 due to deforestation, climate change, and disease. Figs are impacted much less by these
factors and, when mixed with coffee, can keep the coffee culture around much longer and guide it towards sustainability.
FigBrew coffees are sourced from Central American Highland countries yielding a unique smooth flavor and bright crisp aroma with a long tradition. For centuries, coffee trees were picked by local farmers in small depressed communities looking to make a better life for their
families. The coffee beans used in FigBrew products are a mix selected from small farms based on taste and consistency.
While the goal of the farm is to the make the highest quality coffee,
FigBrew’s passion is to empower workers through employment.